Once again, we had a fantastic Wednesday night at Armour Up!  Thank you so much for making this a priority for your kids – we are blown away each week that so many boys are still showing up in the thick of summer!  We appreciate your participation and commitment, and continue to pray that your kids know just HOW MUCH they are loved by God and by us!

So…this happened.


When we say BRING IT, Sam always does.  Love this kid!

Our night was filled with announcements by Sal and an attempt at the weekly AU selfie, which I’m pretty sure violated the definition of “personal space”.


Surely the older kids would be less invasive…



Throw in a dance party, memory verse raffle (FYI: there is an inverse relationship between the length of the memory verse and the length of line for kids to actually SAY the memory verse.  Point well taken.), a game of sharks and minnows & our guest speaker, Nathan LaBuda (K-Life) and you have what we deem a completely successful night.

If you don’t believe us, just ask these guys…


Or these…


Even these guys had fun…


Please mark your calendars for the remaining Armour Up gatherings in July (7/16, 7/23 & 7/30).  Will Washington will be returning next week for MUSTACHE MANIA.  So…BRING IT.  We know Sam will.  And if he doesn’t, we always have this guy.


See you next week,

The Armour Up Team