Dear Armour Up family,

We hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy during this time.  As you are all aware, the Covid-19 crisis has disrupted our normal lives in a way that has never been seen before.  We have all endured sacrifices for the greater good of our family, our community and our world.  Our prayers are with those affected directly by this horrible disease and for those caring for them.


Over the past few months, the Armour Up team has been in constant communication regarding ever-changing guidelines by our federal and local government.  We have been particularly keen on listening for direction as it relates to larger gatherings indoors.  While the state of Texas is opening up and allowing summer camps for children, Armour Up feels we are not equipped to enforce social distancing amongst 200+ elementary aged boys in a gymnasium.  To be in compliance with the recommended restrictions, Armour Up would have to modify our practices so drastically that it would change the very foundation on which we were built.  For instance, we have never limited our registration to a certain number as we believe all are welcome.  We also sit closely together in the gym in order to hear our speaker deliver the gospel each week.  In addition, the game room, where many of the children “warm up” to the social environment, would most likely be unusable as there is no way to disinfect the remote controls, pool sticks and other shared equipment each time a child uses them.


We have prayed long and hard over this decision and believe it is in the best interest of our children, staff and the community to postpone Armour Up until summer 2021.  Safety is our top priority for your family.  We are working on online content to provide occasionally, so please follow us on social media (@armourupdallas).  And get FIRED UP for next summer, as we will be back stronger and better than ever!


God bless you all!


The AU Team

twitter & Instagram: @armourupdallas
