I hope this message finds you enjoying all of the back to school activites!  Please mark your calendars for the following events:

Boy Moms Prayer Group – September 2nd @ 8:20am (4432 Beverly Drive)

This group will meet monthly to pray over our sons at MIS.  Please contact Laura Thornton at ljthornt@gmail.com or Julie Borus at julie.borus@sbcglobal.net for more information.

North Texas Giving Day – September 18th from 11am-2pm (5500 Caruth Haven Lane)

Please visit www.northtexasgivingday.org to see how you can contribute to over 1500 charities and make a difference in someone’s life.  Contact Carol Goglia at cgoglia@cftexas.org for more information.

Armour Up Father/Son Fundraiser for Kershaw’s Challenge – November 13th from 6-8pm

Please visit www.kershawschallenge.com and join us in helping others around the globe by creating your very own challenge just for this event.  Limited tickets will be sold…please be on the lookout for more information.